Aloha Bay Love Svadhishthana (Sacral) Chakra Jar Candle - Fragrance Free
This chakra is about sensuality, emotions, and intuition. It gives you the ability to relate to others in a friendly way, with a fulfilling emotional and sexual life.
Chakra Jars are offered in seven colors to harmonize the expression of each chakra. Also included are the multi-color Sri Yantra and White Lotus jar candles. Chakra candles are ideal for those who like the warmth of a candle flame but not the aroma. For this reason, you'll often find unscented candles in personal sacred spaces and home spas as well as at yoga studios and meditation centers.
Each Chakra Jar is a 16 ounce, 8 inch tall, RSPO certified palm wax candle with an estimated burn time of 100 hours.